A group of people who work for Kennedy House in their head office

Our Team

Kennedy House’s successes are deeply rooted in the dedication and commitment shown by our incredible staff team, our resilient Board of Directors, and the many valuable relationships we have forged over the years.

 2024 June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism

This May, Jim Rosenthal and Bryon Cohen were awarded the June Callwood Award for Outstanding Voluntarism for their decades long service as members of the Kennedy House Board of Directors.

Jim was recognized for his 50 years of volunteer service and Bryon was recognized for his 44 years of volunteer service with Kennedy House.

We are so grateful for Jim and Bryon's long term dedication to Kennedy House and are so happy that they are getting the recognition that they deserve outside of our organization!

Kennedy House Board of Directors 2023

Cindy Bruce-Barrett (CHAIR)

Philip Longaphie (VICE-CHAIR)

Jeremy Mullin (TREASURER)

Chitra Gnanasabesan (SECRETARY)

Bryon Cohen

Melissa Coulson

Ryan Ehrenworth

Julie Kish

Leyland Muss

James Rosenthal

Victor Tuba

Kennedy House Senior Management