A headshot of a child who uses Kennedy House services

About Us

Learn about the Kennedy House legacy below.

Kennedy House works with youth to enable them to grow as individuals and contribute as members of the community. This is achieved in our residential and community-based programs by providing customized support and building trusting relationships.

A side by side image of two men who are both smiling for the camera

Where We Started - A Legacy of Caring

Kennedy House was established in 1971 by Ed Blazo & Doug Chin based on the initiative of a group of concerned community members with a vision for providing a new kind of care to young people. Our founders believed that better care would be provided in small family-like residences or group homes, rather than through large, impersonal institutions.

As a not-for-profit organization registered in 1972 and governed since by a volunteer Board of Directors, Kennedy House continues to benefit from the foresight of its founding members, some of whom remain involved to this day.

Where We Are Going - Our Future Focus

Kennedy House will continue to grow and expand, adapting to the changing needs of our partner placing agencies. We will continue to respond to the changing needs of our partner placing agencies. We are devoted to the principles of child and youth welfare, the integrity of healthy relationships, and the importance of individual care-planning.

We will strive to anticipate opportunities for service, to make the right decisions at the right times. And we’ll build relationships: solid, significant, life-changing ones, not as “service providers” but as caregivers who serve in a hopeful and professional way, communicating by design and desire, and role-modeling positive behaviour and healthy interactions.

A child posing for the camera as they go down an inflatable slide

Our Values

From the beginning, several principles have been embodied in the day-to-day operation of Kennedy House:

  • We are more than willing to accept, embrace, and work with youth who have not thrived in other settings, or who may be difficult to place elsewhere
  • We have an expedited intake process, allowing rapid access to our programs. Rather than putting up barriers, we respond quickly to the urgent needs of placing agencies.
  • We have demonstrated flexibility. The programs we offer are regularly updated as the needs of our placing agencies and residents change.
  • We employ dedicated professionals who strive to support the frontline Child and Youth Workers and we fully understand that their role is central to the effective care and treatment of our residents.
  • We firmly believe in continuous training and development of Kennedy House staff, providing opportunities to learn, grow, and advance.


Discover more about Kennedy House

We serve people who have experienced trauma in their lives. We support, care for and raise them up to become better and stronger people through residential and community-based programs.

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Anti-Racism at Kennedy House